The Concept
Four Brothers Research Farms are the backbone of the research and development wing of the company. Spread over an area of 150 acres, Four Brothers Research Farms are strategically located at Lahore, Kabirwala, and Multan where crop varieties development selection, multiplication, and breeding processes are carried out through 18 highly qualified and experienced Scientists/breeders who continually explore, study, and conduct field experiments in all agro-climatic zones of Pakistan for commercial viability and assessment. We also have a processing and storage facility spread over 7 acres in Multan that helps maintain a continuous supply of quality seeds.

R&D has been departmentalized on the basis of functional requirement; one group works on discovering new genes, Patenting genetically modified crops, transforming new genes into field crops, contained field testing, and commercializing the new genetically modified crops for current and upcoming concerns while the other two groups work on varietal development, field testing, commercial-scale production of new varieties/hybrid at the Four Brothers Contact farmer’s fields over an area of 2500 acres.
We have developed stringent SOP for the introduction of new brands both for local and imported verities which have helped us set new standards of quality control at every stage of variety/hybrid development to commercialization. We also employ a group of agronomists / entomologists / pathologists /soil scientists as technical staff, who act as the extension workers in transferring cultivation technologies to farmers to help improve their productivity levels. For the very first time in the private sector of Pakistan, Four Brothers has developed and got the approval of 8 insect-resistant genetically modified advanced cotton varieties containing single, double, and triple genes.

Core Activities
Plant Breeding
Genetically Modified Crops Development
Seed Production
Quality Assurance
Tissue Culture
Salient Features
Research and Development
Seed Multiplication Facility
of Area
for the Local Farmers
for Exports
Hub for Technology Transfer